I had some exciting thing happen. I am a huge fan of Amy Sedaris. If you are not familiar with this brilliant comedian she was on a show called “Strangers with Candy”. Hilarious. Gotta watch it! They even had an art teacher character named Joffrey Jellyneck. And Stephen Colbert played a teacher named Mr. Knoblett. Anyway, Amy posted one of my collage works on her IG account with over 700,000 followers! So my own IG account numbers went up! Yay! And I made several sales from my Etsy shop from this affirmation. Thank you Amy!
These are a couple of examples of some of my new work. I’ve been working hard to express the fact that I am so much more than beach paintings. But I am so grateful for how many that have expressed their love for the beach work. So I say, “be brave! buy an abstract”! You’ll be surprised how beautifully they will mix with even the most representational work. Think color harmony. Xo Peggi